Friday, March 30, 2012

what happens when widows marry bad men, through choice or force

Some of his wives were only children.  His widows are the first time I've thought of this as a possible positive.  More reasons to hate this evil man.Thanks to the Seals and Obama for getting rid of him.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Her husband was broken by war.  He signed up for the military to help protect the country.  It's only fair that his insurance benefits go to help what's left of his family.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Widow With the Forever Raw Wounds

The blessing of time (with maybe some bereavement counseling & medication) is that the raw pain of losing our husbands lessens.  Sure, we don't forget them, but we eventually think of them in states of calmness and happiness.  We eventually reach a point where we accept their deaths as maybe good for them in terms of ending unreasonable suffering.  This is not betrayal of our loved ones.  This is healing that they would want for us.  It is necessary for us to be able to parent our children and provide healthy memories of their lost fathers.  Children need to process the deaths of their fathers with the understanding that their fathers loved them, their fathers did not willingly leave them, and that their fathers want them to live healthy & productive lives to ensure that the family continues. According to what I saw on the OWN Channel, our widowed sister, Jill Price, has a special memory.  She is gifted and cursed with a mind that keeps ALL memories fresh (both the happy and the sad).  No distance for her and her pain of loss. I don't know how she does it. 

Wisconsin Stigma Bill

Wisconsin GOP's grothman wants to pass a bill requiring consideration that single-mother households be deemed "abusive and neglectful."  This will penalize widowed, single mothers who have already suffered enough.

Contact him and let him hear about it!

Madison Office

Room 10 South
State Capitol
P.O. Box 7882
Madison, WI 53707-7882

Voting Address

151 University Drive 312 N
West Bend, WI 53095


(608) 266-7513 Or
(800) 662-1227

District Telephone

(262) 338-8061


(608) 282-3560


Saturday, March 3, 2012

The heart does go on; you can love your lost husband & next husband just the same

Pat Tilman's poor widow lost her husband as he battled to protect her and our country. A hero is one who sacrifices themselves to help others.  It is horrible that Pat's death was  due to friendly fire.  His love and determination to protect his family and his country in our time of need shows how he was such a wonderful man.  It is good that she has since found an additional love.  As widows, we know that love is simply something that grows every time you share.  Loving new people does not diminish the love that we have for them who came before.  Instead, it indeed adds to our ability and capacity to love. 

A bad widow w/ no reason to harm

She makes us look bad.  People think widows all get huge insurance policies when we lose our beloved husbands and then take advantage of others.

Firstly, no amount of money makes up for the loss of a husband.  Money gives you a means to care for the kids and get health care.  Secondly, most of us widows don't have mega insurance payouts.  Even when husbands set up policies to protect us and the littles, insurance companies employ "specialists" to decrease their rate of pay for high end policies (yes, I've lived through it).

Open Letter to Widowed Congresswoman Sandy Adams RE More Magazine 2012 Interview


I very much enjoyed reading your survivor story in More Magazine's March 2012 edition.  I loved how you told your second husband to get permission from his mom prior to accepting his hand.  I was saddened to read that you lost such a dear soon after; but fortunately, your current husband sounds like a gem too. 

The only issue that bothered me was your seeming resistance to universal health care.  In the article, you note that health insurance was an issue for you and your daughter.  America provides some form of  health care for the elderly and the poor.  It's only reasonable that people who work full time (even though it may be through a combination of jobs) should also be covered.  I wonder how many times, while you worked & struggled to get your education,  while it was just you and your daughter, did you fail to take her or yourself to the doctor because you could not afford it? I believe that if everyone (including employers) puts money into a big pot,everyone can get at least basic health care. Those who can afford it, can put in extra for extra services.  If third world countries can do it, why not the greatest country on earth?